Every year, medical doctors and dieticians work hard to improve awareness regarding food sensitivities. Even for those without life-threatening allergies, food sensitivity causes a tremendous amount of stress and discomfort. Symptoms can range from pain and struggling to breathe clearly down to mild irritation and skin inflammation, from illness-level intestinal problems to simple bloating.
Many people with mild to medium sensitivities may go years without realizing exactly what foods are causing the problem. In fact, if the onset is slow enough, these individuals may not realize there even is a problem until they remove the offending food and genuinely feel comfortable for the first time in a long time. To complicate matters further, some people become sensitive to foods later in life, which can make it even harder to be certain what foods are causing problems.
Fortunately, there are a number of effective and convenient at-home food sensitivity tests on the market. These tests remove any of the guesswork and make it easy for Americans to find out what kinds of foods they should avoid on an individual basis. When it comes to food sensitivities, knowledge is the most important part of making healthy decisions.
Finding the Right Food Sensitivity Tests
Not every test detects every sensitivity. Generally, a broader test will help find the foods causing the greatest sensitivity. More narrow tests instead can determine more subtle sensitivities if there’s already a suspected culprit. To that end, it’s best to look at different qualities of the best at-home food sensitivity tests:
This testing kit prioritizes convenience and breadth of testing by using the actual chemical composition of the air that leaves the stomach. By detecting telltale signs of bacterial agitation, this test helps to find foods that cause problems within the gut biome. Often, intestinal issues stem from too much activity from bacteria in the gut, so this kind of test works as an exceptional starting point to figure out what foods are actually causing problems.
CRI Genetics
CRI’s test uses an entirely different approach that remains firmly based on established science. While food sensitivities can be acquired over time, many of them have a genetic basis. CRI Genetics uses the same testing methodology that explores ancestry to find genetic markers that indicate certain dietary sensitivities. Due to the high-tech nature of this test, it provides some of the most accurate results in the industry.
Check My Body Health
The makers of this test strive to help people find which of hundreds of foods they may be sensitive to. With two different versions, it’s possible to choose between a less expensive test for up to 400 different items or the premium and more expensive version that tests nearly a thousand different kinds of substances. The main difference between the two is the inclusion of gut health and digestion, which can be very important for those who develop sensitivities later on. In either case, the tests also determine sensitivity to many environmental factors aside from food.
With a more narrow focus, Everlywell tries to cover the most common and serious food sensitivities, as well as giving exceptional accuracy to reduce false positives and negatives. By getting more accurate results, test-takers can be more confident regarding what foods they should or should not consume on a regular basis. This testing system has all the same at-home convenience but brings more laboratory-level accuracy than a breath-based test.
Making a Difference
For many people, food sensitivity tests profoundly alter how they live their lives. Knowing these sensitivities can have dramatic impacts, such as improving overall health and comfort level, as well as avoiding the social embarrassment that can come from cramps and excess gas. Regardless of a person’s lifestyle, avoiding foods that trigger sensitivities will fundamentally improve how they live their lives.
Each of the above tests combines effective results with the convenience of at-home testing. Naturally, visiting a doctor or a lab for blood-based work and a suite of sensitivity tests can give more comprehensive results but it will often cost more money and involve a significant time sink. For those who want to live well without sacrificing a lot of their time, at-home tests such as FoodMarble, CRI Genetics, Check My Body Health, and Everlywell can have an immediate positive impact without the need to drop everything and submit to extensive lab tests.